The goal of the math department is to educate students for the future, prepare them for the Smarter Balance Math Assessment, and teach a solid foundation for work and college so they are College and Career Ready.
Each year, more math skills are required to be successful in nearly every job and endeavor. The skills learned in mathematics will enable you to live a more productive life as well as go on to other academic courses.
My HRW Math Curriculum – Visit the My.HRW website for access to the Math Curriculum and Textbooks
We highly recommend students have access to a scientific calculator “TI-30X II S”” in Algebra, Geometry, Financial Fitness, and Applied Math.
We highly recommend students have access to a TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator in Algebra 2, Pre Calculus, AP Calculus, and AP Statistics.
Math Department Staff List:
- Brian Anderson
- Jason Blaesing
- Janet Grove
- Jennifer Reilly
- Kevin Reilly
- Nicole Simek
- Brent Mansell
- Rochelle Aiton
Math Department Course List:
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Algebra 2
- Pre Calculus
- AP Statistics
- AP Calculus
- Financial Fitness
- Applied Math
Math Resources: