Early Learning Programs at Washougal Schools

Washougal School District hosts a number of early learning programs at many of our schools, some of which are run by district staff, and others which are run by partner organizations.

Each of these programs offers high-quality, research-based instruction and learning activities geared to build the skills students need to start Kindergarten ready for success.

These programs include free, low cost, and tuition based programs.  Eligibility for programs may include special circumstances based on family income or other student need.  Each program will define their eligibility requirements on their website.

If you need help determining which program might be a great fit for your young learner and family, please contact our Early Learning Coordinator, and they can help you explore the options!

Tracey MacLachlan, Director

Washougal School District
(360) 954-3002

Transition to Kindergarten (4 year olds)

Washougal School District provides Transition to Kindergarten, also known as TK, as a no-cost early learning program, primarily for four-year-olds that is designed to help close the opportunity gap for students entering Kindergarten.  TK is available for students who have a demonstrated need, or when the family cannot afford access to a community program.  The TK program provides a high quality learning environment geared to help students build the skills they need to have a great start to Kindergarten.  Students must be four years old by August 31st to participate.

Visit our TK page to learn more about the program, and to find registration information for the coming school year. 

Community Education Preschool (3 & 4 year olds)

The district is gathering information about families who may be interested in a tuition-based preschool program. If you will have a three or four year old, and are interested in being contacted about preschool options, please fill out our early learning interest form.

Developmental Preschool (3 & 4 year olds)

Washougal’s Developmental Preschool is a free early learning program for students with identified developmental delays. The program is for students who qualify for additional support in the areas of cognitive development, motor skills, social skills, behavior, speech, language, hearing, or vision needs. The program is tailored to the needs of each student, working with specialists and the students’ family to make decisions about ways to best serve the child. Transportation is provided for students in the developmental preschool. The Developmental Preschool program is located at Hathaway Elementary School.

The Developmental Preschool program supports students with a half day of learning, four days a week. If you have concerns with your child’s development, sign up for a Child Find Screening appointment by calling 360-954-3831.

Leslie DeShazer
Birth-5 Teacher On Special Assignment
Washougal School District
360-954-3831 or [email protected]

Head Start / Early Opportunities for Children and Families (EOCF) at Hathaway

The Head Start/EOCF program invests in young learners to provide preschool programs for young learners through a funding partnership with the Office of Head Start, based on federal poverty guidelines.  Visit https://eocfwa.org/ to learn more about these programs.

Birth to Three program (0-3 year olds)

Washougal School District partners with Educational Service District 112 to provide services to screen students aged birth to 3 to determine if they would benefit from additional support and services through the birth to 3 program. You can learn more about birth to three services by visiting their webpage at https://www.esd112.org/special-services/birth-to-three-early-intervention/ which includes information about how to contact program staff and create a referral.

Right@School Before and After School Care (5-10 year olds)

The Right@School Before and After care program is provided by Right@School, for students in grades K-6 at any Washougal elementary school. Program details and enrollment information for this program are available on the Right@School website:  https://www.rightatschool.com/register/