Student and parent running toward the finish line during the STRIDE fun runDistrict Wellness Plan

District Wellness Committee Purpose : The District Wellness Committee assists in the implementation of the district wide nutrition and physical fitness policy and goals. The committee may include food service directors and staff, parents, building level administrators, school board members, students, nutritionists, health care professionals, physical education staff, the public, and interested community organizations.

District Committee Members:

  • Sheri Cranford, Culinary Services Office Manager
  • Aaron Hansen, WSD Assistant Superintendent
  • Leslie DeShazer, Birth-5 Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA)
  • TBD, School Counselor
  • TBD, District Nurse
  • TBD, Classified Staff Representative
  • TBD, Student Representative
  • Margaret McCarthy, Drug Free Community Program Coordinator Unite! Washougal Community Coalition and Community Partner

2023-24 Wellness Goals:

1. Improve the quality of school food by emphasizing healthy fresh foods

  • Cooked on site from scratch
  • Locally or regionally sourced (as much as possible)
  • Presented attractively and sustainably

2. Implement a school pantry program to promote student nutrition during times when school food is not available.

  • Provide staples to families in need
  • Develop discreet methods of distribution

3. Partner with the Washougal Schools Foundation to increase participation in the STRIDE for Education run in May.

  • TBD
  • TBD

4. Host Wellness Fair for WSD Staff

  • TBD
  • TBD

Guiding Policies and Procedures:

Activities the committee is working toward sharing with our staff and school community

  • Monthly health and wellness messages/newsletter
  • Incentive-based program-SmartHealth
  • SmartHealth webinars
  • Stress Management workshops online
  • After school opportunities for students
  • District and building level staff activities open to all staff
  • Increase awareness of newly designed Culinary program

Focused activities for Wellness Committee to promote annually include the following:

  • Work towards promoting an aspect of health/wellness each month with an activity
  • Promote SmartHealth enrollment through activities. Promote via email, etc.
  • Include staff in STRIDE Event to benefit the WSD Foundation; Track participation of students & staff
  • Work towards a Wellness Fair 2 times a year
  • Promotions of the Culinary Program to increase participation.

Community Engagement

Partner with these organizations and use these resources to further this work
  • Pure Wellness, Ripple, Kaiser, SEBB, Smart Health, etc.
  • SEBB – SmartHealth
  • Washougal School District Foundation
  • WA Health Care Authority
  • Website content creators, Latino/a Community Event organizers

Interested in partnering or being involved with the district in this work, contact Sheri Cranford at [email protected].

Wellness Policy Assessment Results

Interested in knowing the results of our latest District Scorecard from our Wellness Policy Assessment? Click HERE to learn more. We have outlined our plans for improvement based on those results. If you want to know more about that, click  HERE for more information.