The district has an Instructional Materials Committee which makes core instructional materials adoption recommendations to the School Board based on superintendent-established procedures.

The Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) is formed to establish and monitor such procedures as may be necessary for the evaluation and recommendation of core materials used by the district in conformance to stated criteria. The committee will act upon requests for core material approval and will evaluate and act upon citizens’ requests for reconsideration of core materials.

Committee meetings will be held on a schedule determined by the district. Special meetings may be called by the committee chairman if necessary. The committee secretary will provide department heads, principals, and program developers with copies of the committee meeting schedule.

The committee will consist of:

  • the superintendent or designee;
  • a secretary,
  • two building principals (one representing elementary and one representing secondary);
  • two teachers (one representing elementary and one representing secondary);
  • no more than three at-large parents (one elementary, one middle school, one high school);
  • and two students (one representing elementary and one representing secondary).
  • State law provides that parents must make up less than one-half the committee.

Members are appointed by the superintendent or designee through an application process outlined in board policy 2020 for a three year term.