Kindergarten and New Student Registration on a purple background with a teacher figure and four children in front in school attire

Welcome! Bienvenidos! Добро пожаловать!

Washougal’s elementary schools are welcoming new students for the 2025-2026 school year. Future Kindergarten students are invited to come to school, meet the staff, and get a goodie bag. The welcome events take place in May each year at each K-5 school. The welcome kit will include materials to help families get their student ready for Kindergarten, plus some fun items to build excitement about school.

Our free Transition to Kindergarten program is welcoming students who will be age 4 by August 31. Visit the TK page to learn about this program and how to enroll.

Open House Dates & Times

Wednesday, August 28, 2024 from 4:00 – 6:00 PM

Thursday, August 29th, 4:00-5:00 PM – Cape Horn-Skye Kindergarten Orientation (Meet teachers, go for a bus ride, tour the school, receive information on a day in the life of a kindergartner, answer questions, and more!)
Thursday, August 29th, 5:00-6:00 PM – Cape Horn-Skye Back-to-School Night for all grades (come any time in this timeframe to see the classrooms, meet the teachers, drop of school supplies, and see friends)

August 28, 2024 5-7pm CRGE Back to School Night

August 27, 2024 5-6pm CRGE Kindergarten Orientation/Back to School Night

September 19, 4-5pm CRGE Transition to Kindergarten (TTK) Open House

Thursday, August 29, 2024 from 5-6 PM (1st through 5th grade)

Kindergarten orientation is August 29, 2024 from 4-5 PM

TK orientation will occur in September, details TBD

Thursday, August 29th, 2024 at 5:00 pm

Hathaway Kindergarten orientation August 22, 10:00 to 11:00 AM

TK orientation will occur in September, details TBD

Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 6 PM

Orientations are available by appointment.

Athletics night will be Monday, August 19, 2024 at 6:00 PM

WHS Ninth Grade and New Student Orientation – August 22, 2024 at 1:00 PM
All students new to Washougal high school are invited to get their school picture, ID card for meal purchases, learn about the school, pick up their Chromebook, and get logged in to prepare for the first day of school.  Fellow students will give students a tour and answer questions. Note: For grade 10, 11, and 12 students who are returning to WHS, students will have their picture taken and ID/ASB cards created during the first week of school.

WHS New Student Registration event – August 22, 2024 at 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

All grade level counselors will be present to work with students on course selection. Please bring a transcript if possible. This event is for students new to Washougal who have not yet chosen classes for the new school year.

Registering your child for school

Please gather requested documents and make sure you provide them to the school office as soon as you can. Your child’s registration at the school will not be complete without these essential components.

Washougal School District uses the Qmlativ system’s Family Access to process new student enrollment.

If you’re re-enrolling a student who attended after 2019, you don’t need to fill out the New Student Enrollment form. Simply contact your child’s school office, and let them know you want to re-enroll. They can use previously provided information to reactivate your student in our system, and will guide you through the process. If you want to do this during the summer break, please reach out to Chiska Leigh at District Office, [email protected] and she can help.

Please note: Currently enrolled students do NOT need to fill out a registration form for the next school year!

If you currently have students enrolled in our district, and are enrolling a younger sibling or other additional students, you can log into your Qmlativ account (using the same Skyward username/password that you used last year) and choose “New Student Online Enrollment” in your Family Access menu.

These items can be uploaded during the enrollment process. If you do not have a way to take a photo or scan documents, please contact your child’s school. If you do not have the documentation, contact the school after completing the registration.

  • Completed Immunization Record – WA State CIS Form or Signed CIS Form & exemption form**
  • For Grades 9-12, unofficial transcript from all previous schools
  • For Grades K-8 a copy of your student’s most recent report card
  • Birth Certificate*, passport, or adoption decree

* To request a Washington State issued birth certificate, click here. For all other states, we suggest searching for the state’s name plus birth certificate in your favorite search engine to find the process to request one.

** Immunization Information

You can find your child’s school using our boundary lookup tool.  If your home in Washougal is in Clark County, you can also use the Clark County Property Information Center.

Medically Verified Immunization Records Required

All children attending schools in Washington state must provide medically verified Immunization Records. Students who do not receive the required immunizations or provide exemption information will be excluded from school starting on the first day of school.

Click here for a list of all state required immunizations for students in schools in the state of Washington for each school year.

Vaccines Given in Washington State

  1. Access the provider-verified certificate on the Washington State Immunization Information System. Once you create an account on Washington MyIR, you will be able to access the certificate at any time.
  2. Ask your clinic or provider to fax or mail the vaccine report to you or to the nurse at your child’s school. You may also pick this up from the provider’s office.
  3. Visit your primary care provider and have them print a copy of your child’s Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS). It must be signed, dated, and submitted to the school nurse.

Vaccines Given Outside of Washington State

  1. Ask your clinic or provider fax or mail the vaccine report to you or to the nurse at your child’s school.
  2. Transfer your child’s immunizations on to a Washington State Certificate of Immunization (CIS). It must be signed and dated and submitted to the school nurse and we request you attach the original vaccine record.

Exempt Status

To request your child to be exempt from any immunization requirement, you must have a completed Certificate of Exemption (COE) form on file, which may be obtained from your child’s school or health care provider.

Students with exempt status will be excluded from school in the event of an outbreak and will remain excluded per Department of Health recommendations. One case constitutes an outbreak for certain illnesses.